Current Issue

Volume: 2 Issue: 38, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Manisa Celal Bayar University Soma Vocational School Soma Vocational School Technical Sciences Journal; Original and qualified studies on subjects related to the departments in the Technical Programs of Vocational Schools, translations from foreign languages ​​into Turkish, and current thesis summaries can be published in the journal.

It started to be published in 2004 to follow developments in Engineering and Basic Sciences, contribute to national and international developments in the academic field, and create a scientific source in these fields. Soma Vocational School Technical Sciences Journal is a nationally refereed journal published twice a year by Manisa Celal Bayar University Soma Vocational School.

Original and qualified studies, translations from foreign languages ​​into Turkish, and current thesis summaries on subjects related to the departments in the Technical Programs of Vocational Schools in the Fields of Engineering and Basic Sciences can be published.





Manisa Celal Bayar University Soma Vocational School Soma Vocational School Journal of Technical Sciences is published twice a year by Manisa Celal Bayar University Soma Vocational School. Original and qualified studies on subjects related to the departments in the Technical Programs of Vocational Schools, translations from foreign languages ​​into Turkish, and current thesis summaries can be published in the journal. The publication principles and writing rules to be sought in the works sent to the journal are determined as follows.

1-) The articles and texts sent to the journal should not have been published anywhere before and publication rights should not have been granted.

2-) The articles and texts to be published in the journal can be written in any Turkish, English, French, or German. However, the rules determined by the Turkish Language Association should be taken as the basis for the works prepared in Turkish. At the beginning of the study, a Turkish title and a Turkish and English abstract of a maximum of 200 words and a maximum of 10 keywords should be given.

3-) The format order of the studies to be published in the journal should be - Turkish title - Abstract - Keywords - English abstract - English keywords - Text - References - Appendices.

4-) The title of the study should be written 6 cm. below the upper left margin. The names of the author(s) should be written with their academic titles on the lower right side of the title, and the institution they work for, contact, and e-mail addresses should be given with footnotes next to their names at the bottom of the page. If the study received support from another institution, the relevant institution should be written with a footnote next to the title and at the bottom of the page.

5-) Articles should be sent to the journal via dergipark.

6-) Studies should not exceed 15 pages with their appendices.

7-) The text should be written on A4 size paper, single-spaced, in Times New Roman font, 10 points, with footnotes and explanations in 8 points. Titles should be written in 12-point bold, and abstracts and footnotes should be written with a single space. Page dimensions should be adjusted as left 5 cm, right 4 cm, top 7 cm, and bottom 5 cm.

8-) Sources used by quotation and transfer within the text; should be shown at the end of the sentence in the text according to the parenthetical system, with surname, year, and page, and should also be included in the bibliography. Explanations and other footnotes should be added to the end of the text according to the numbering principle.

9-) Manisa Celal Bayar University Soma Vocational School Soma Vocational School Technical Sciences Journal is a nationally refereed journal. Articles and texts sent to the journal are sent to at least two referees in the relevant field. If a consensus cannot be reached, it is decided by sending it to a third referee. Authors and referees are responsible for the content of the articles and texts.

10-) 1 copy of the relevant issue of the journal is sent to each author whose article or text is published. No royalty fee is paid.

11-) The editorial board will not consider Articles and writings that do not comply with the journal's publishing principles, writing rules, and scientific research methods.

Copyright Form:


Manisa Celal Bayar University Soma Vocational School Technical Sciences Journal has adopted the principle of publishing qualified scientific studies on subjects related to the departments in the Technical Programs of Vocational Schools and contributing to national and international developments in the academic field. Soma Vocational School Technical Sciences Journal follows the guidelines and policies published by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) regarding ethical rules and author, journal editor, and publisher responsibilities. At this point, all stakeholders (Editor, readers and researchers, publisher and referees) who contribute to the publication of our journal and the studies are expected to comply with the standards regarding ethical principles. Articles and writings that do not comply with the journal publication principles, writing rules, and scientific research methods are not taken into consideration by the editorial board. Our journal expects all stakeholders to carry the following duties and responsibilities within the scope of publication ethics.

Duties of the Editorial Board
The editor is responsible for every article sent to the journal and published. In this context, editors are required to carry the following duties and responsibilities.
• Working in line with the information demands and needs of authors and readers
• Increasing the academic and scientific quality of the journal and ensuring its development
• Ensuring academic integrity
• Supporting freedom of thought and expression
• Maintaining fair and transparent processes
• Acting in accordance with objective rules and ethical principles
• Ensuring that all policies of the journal are determined and implemented

Referees' Duties
Referees conduct the evaluation process according to the principle of double-blind review. Referees should not attempt to communicate with authors in any way. The evaluation form containing evaluations and comments is officially communicated to authors through the journal management system. In this context, referees must have the following duties and responsibilities.
• Accepting studies sent for evaluation only according to their areas of expertise
• Carrying out the evaluation processes of studies in accordance with the principle of impartiality and confidentiality,
• Conducting the evaluation objectively and solely focused on the study
• Rejecting the review and notifying the editor in the event of a conflict of interest during the evaluation process
• Destroying the studies after the evaluation process in accordance with the principle of confidentiality,
• Evaluating the studies within the period granted to them
• ​​Preparing the evaluation report in accordance with the scientific attitude and understanding by evaluating in a constructive and polite manner

Authors' Duties
Authors are expected to work in accordance with ethical principles and publication principles. In this context, authors must have the following duties and responsibilities.
• Sending scientific and unpublished studies to the journal,
• Not sending studies that are under evaluation in another journal,
• Preparing studies according to the writing rules and publication principles determined by the journal,
• Sending the Ethics Committee Approval Letter, Copyright Transfer Agreement, and documents showing the plagiarism rate (obtained from Turnitin or iThenticate) during the submission of the study,
• Not including people who did not contribute to the creation of the study in the author section,
• In case of using the work of others, making references in accordance with ethical principles and indicating them in the reference section

Journal Policy
No fee is requested from authors for their articles to be evaluated and published by our Journal. The evaluation process of our journal is given below:
Additional time to be given for all cases where the processing period has passed: 10 days
Maximum time required for the new article to be processed: 10 days
Maximum time given to the secretary while in the secretary step: 10 days
Maximum time required for the editor to take over the article (Control Completed Step): 10 days
Maximum time required for the editor to continue the process after taking over (Editor Step): 10 days
The maximum time given for the article to continue the process after it is ready for a decision (Ready for Decision Step): 15 days
Maximum time given for the editor to make a decision (Decision Awaiting Step): 20 days
Maximum time given to the editor for the publication process (Publication Process Step): 20 days
Maximum processing time for Writing-Language, Statistics, Layout Editor and Proofreader: 10 days
Response time to the invitation sent to the author to take action: 10 days
Time is given to the author to take action: 7 days
Response time to the invitation sent to the referee to evaluate: 7 days
Evaluation time given to the referee: 20 days

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